Welcome to the Rapido and Silver Owners Club

The Rapido Caravan Club was founded in 1983 and over time our club has evolved and developed and now welcomes owners of:
Rapido pop-top caravans, folding caravans and motorhomes
Silver pop-top caravans
Fleurette pop-top caravans
Rubis pop-top caravans
Eriba pop-top caravans
Esterel Folding Caravans
By joining our club you will benefit from:
​Organised rallies throughout the country, visiting places you may never have been to before
An AGM in October followed by a final celebration of the year
An opportunity to share knowledge of our vans and motorhomes
Technical advice
Friendship and fun and a warm welcome wherever you venture
We also welcome suggestions of sites where you might be staying and would enjoy the company of your Club friends. Please contact us with the name of the site and the dates you will be there and we will happily share them with our members.
CONDITIONS APPLY: on completion of your application you agree to abide by the Club Rules ​
The Club is run by volunteers comprising a committee of members who are voted into office every year at the Annual General Meeting.
The Rallies for 2025 are still being worked on but here is what is on the draft plan so far:
April - Social 4nt Rally (Bedford)
June - 7nt Rally (Norfolk)
Sept - 8nt Rally (Cheltenham)
Oct - AGM 5nt Rally​
In addition, various other additional meetups, based on membership demand and voting, have been proposed:
Hereford x2
Sites further north will be added when demand suits.
We begin our year with a Social Rally held in April, followed by two rallies in June and September and a final get-together in October for our AGM. We like to make this a celebration of the year by adding a few extras for you to enjoy.
There are lots of good reasons to join us, with rallies arranged across the UK, all with the support and friendship available from fellow members (if you need it). Over the years a wealth of information has been accumulated by members on caravanning in general and Rapido caravans and motorhomes in particular.​